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Reshape and Sculpt Your Jaw and Neckline
Dave Stringham
There are some limitations as to what a facelift can do for pre-existing conditions. The amount of correction that can be achieved with a facelift depends on certain characteristic traits such as thickness and oil content of the skin, underlying structural support of the fat and muscle, and any facial scarring, acne, and preexisting asymmetries. These are all taken into account when a facelift is performed.
The goal of a facelift is to reshape and sculpt a new jaw and neck line and lift the jowls for a very natural look. The goal for a mini-lift is to simply remove the jowls by lifting them. The goal for a neck lift is to sculpt only the neck fat without removal of any skin or jowls. The neck lift is not performed if there are jowls present that need to be addressed. The S-Lift is a mini-lift.
The facelift operation is performed on both men and women starting in the late forties and into their fifties and late sixties when the face and neck start to sag and a fullness in the neck and the jowls start to descend over the jaw line. The incisions for a facelift start at the hairline at the sideburn and weave behind the tragal portion of the front of the ear and then placed behind the ear crease and up into the hairline. Patients are usually able to put their hair up off their shoulders within a few months after the surgery, and there is no shift in the hairlines. There is also an additional 1 inch incision underneath the chin in the natural crease. The incision for a mini-lift is simply in front of the ear only. The incision for a neck lift is approximately a 1 inch incision underneath the chin and two small 1/2 inch incisions behind the ears.
It is also extremely important that at whatever age a facelift or neck lift is performed, the patient is in excellent health and has no pre-existing medical conditions. It is very important to follow all pre and postoperative instructions for a seamless surgery and postoperative recovery. Chronic health problems such as liver, heart, lung, or kidney disease may render the patient unsuitable as a surgical candidate for facial cosmetic surgery. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause bleeding, diabetes can cause infections, and smoking can cause healing issues. Patients are not allowed to be smoking two weeks before and two weeks after a facelift.
Dave Stringham, the President of LookingYourBest.com writes about
plastic surgery in Seattle
, Washington and cosmetic surgery procedures such as
seattle facelift
, nasal surgery, tummy tuck, liposuction, and browlift.
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