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There are many wonderfully strong metals in the world that can be used to help make many different parts. The problem with many of these metals, particularly steel and its alloys, is that if they are not treated in some way, they can be damaged by the elements and rust. There are many ways to treat metal, but one of the best is zinc plating. Plating a metal with zinc gives it added protection and many other properties that are useful in industrial applications. There are three particularly useful zinc coating types: zinc alkaline plating, zinc iron plating and zinc nickel plating, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Zinc Alkaline PlatingZinc alkaline plating is unique in the fact that it can add considerable corrosion resistance to a piece without making it significantly thicker. This coating is a fine-grained coating that is generally clear and bright. The process prevents latent blistering caused by the electrolyte, so it is essentially a zero-stress coating. The passivate treatment post-plating significantly increases the corrosion resistance and can add color and brightness to the finished product.
Zinc Iron PlatingZinc iron plating applies a very protective burn-free deposit with low stress and no blistering. The density tends to stay very uniform on any piece being coated and the coating is very fine grained. This zinc plating generally has .4 to .8 percent iron by weight. This coating is actually quite affordable when compared with other plating techniques, but it still delivers high performance. The finished piece usually has a sleek black look to it.
Zinc Nickel PlatingZinc nickel plating is a high performance coating that is bright and burn-free, even when the current density is high. The coating tends to be uniform and offers excellent corrosion resistance. Even when a plated piece is bent, it will not display the telltale whiskers that you might see with other coatings. The lack of blistering and the excellent adhesion traits make pieces treated in this way suitable for painting, passivation or other further treatment. The process can be applied through either rack or barrel plating methods. This plating method is preferred by many automotive companies for their parts.
The experts at Dekalb Metal Finishing can answer all of your metal plating questions and likely have a solution for your metal plating needs. Visit www.dekalbmetal.com to learn about their services.