Tips For Portable Jewelry Display Folders

Tips for Portable Jewelry Display Folders



picking the ideal jewelry display folder for presentation to meet your particular criteria could very well seem like a daunting task with all of the unique options you can buy. Presentation folders for jewelry display certainly are a great option for under stock storage when it comes to a fine jeweler\’s excess jewelry, jewelry folders also are very good for the traveling jewelry salesmen who are trying to sell their jewelry. Jewelry manufacturers trying to deliver their wares to jewelry retailers really can make quite a striking impression by transporting their goods in a high quality jewelry folder directly to the to the retail store. Note that a jewelry presentation display folder designed for traveling jewelers are going to work very well within a retail store.

Your jewelry display folder needs to have your company\’s color(s) to display your brand. You should be well aware, the jewelry presentation folder is an opportunity for establishing your brand color, especially if your business has yet to establish a specific color for branding. Your jewelry folder almost always have several colors, however the surface that jewelry rests against should be a neutral color, because your fine jewelry must still be the star. Custom colors and logos for your jewelry folders should be seen as a must have assuming you hope to build your branding, thus displaying your image to potential buyers. All jewelers need to coordinate the jewelry folders with their showcase displays.


A good number of the entire jewelry presentation folders you will find are made in low income nations which mean poor quality of production. I\’ve witnessed jewelry display folders for presentation start break apart with only a few dozen uses that really may result in a poor jewelry presentation and potentially damaged jewelry. You should make sure jewelry folder are manufactured in the USA or at least Western Europe, as the jewelry display folder will hold up far longer compared to the folder produced overseas; such jewelry display folder really do not last long when used significantly. When choosing the right presentation folder for jewelry, you can\’t just buy a random product online and then hope that the folder works well, you need to get test folder so you know the folder works with your particular jewelry.

Jewelry display folders which are produced out of high quality canvas material withstand damage better when compared to alternative materials; jewelry display folders produced from cheap leather tend to tear apart with little use. Any decent jewelry presentation folder should be closed by using Velcro or something similar to close the jewelry folder, this is a must assuming you would like to keep your best jewelry safe. A presentation folder for jewelry should not be made with a leather exterior because it will have a tendency to show wear and tear, however a quality leather interior within jewelry folder is really quite beautiful. Jewelry folders have a tendency to tear open with minimal usage assuming closing mechanism is poorly constructed. Travelite Presentation Folders for Jewelry are the only folders that use both ballistic fabric and a strong Velcro closing mechanism.

Resist urges to showcase too many total pieces of jewelry in a folder at once as it shall harm the perceived of your jewelry and by making it difficult to see it clearly. Don\’t be unnecessarily counting pennies when you purchase a presentation folder for jewelry, as you will undoubtedly pay the price within the coming years. Remember, the quality of your jewelry display folder for presentation is really a reflection of the quality of your jewelry and low quality or damaged jewelry folder displays a lesser jewelry quality. Please be aware that a really good presentation folder for jewelry could increase the perception of your jewelry immensely, the cost of a really nice folder can pay for itself 100 times over with only a slight increase in the sale of your goods, this is really only possible if you\’re using a good quality jewelry presentation folder, that shows little or no signs of wear and tear.

We have currently over 30 patents in the

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and showcase industry.

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