The Essential Oil Diffuser Primer

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The Essential Oil Diffuser Primer


Darren Pillsbury

These days more and more people are going back to natural healing and natural sources to deal with medical problems and day-to-day issues like stress and unhappiness. Essential oils are increasingly used to help people relax and promote happiness and mental health. But in order to use them effectively, you need a device that will help disperse them through the air. These devices are called essential oil diffusers, and they are an essential tool in creating a pleasing, healing atmosphere.

Essential oils are taken from plants, flowers, and other natural sources. They smell great, and many claim that they have health benefits. They range from the simple, like orange or citrus aromas, to the exotic and expensive, like myrrh or ylang ylang. It should be noted that some also kill bacteria, molds, and fungus, which makes them helpful in creating healthy, clean environment.

An essential oil diffuser is a simple device or machine that disperses the oils into the air. Essential oil diffusers can be used in spas, offices, homes, and in special ones can even be used in the cigarette lighter of the average car. Some use heat to spread the oils through the air, while others use mechanical devices like fans in order to disperse the aromas.


On its own, essential oil is heavy and does not readily evaporate. A diffuser is needed to help the process along.

You can purchase an essential oil diffuser in many places, such as many alternative health food stores and spas. An even better place to buy them is online, where you have a full selection and easy delivery.

Most oils can be used with any diffuser — such as candle diffusers, lamp rings, fan diffusers, nebulizers, and electric nebulizers — but there are some essential oils that are very thick and tend to clog up mechanical diffusers. If you are using sandalwood or patchouli, which are very thick oils, do not use them with nebulizers because they tend to clog up the valves used to disperse the oil.

The candle diffuser is the most traditional of the various types. The user places a candle and a small amount of essential oils into a bowl, and the heat given off by the flame causes the oils to evaporate.

A fan diffuser blows air across oils placed in a tray, and uses moving air instead of heat to disperse the aromas.

A heat diffuser works almost exactly like a fan diffuser, except it incorporates a heat source that speeds up the process.

A nebulizer is powered by a motor, and its function is to take the oil and turn it into a very fine mist that can be more easily wafted into the air.

Now that you know the various types of essential oil diffusers, try one out and see how much essential oils can benefit your health and sense of wellness!

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essential oil diffusers

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